2-PERSON PERFORMANCE on 9 June 2017, 8pm, The Nunnery Gallery
Conceptualised & Initiated by: Gina P. Tan
Performed by: Jono Selvadurai & Jeremy Finch
This work is derived from Jacques Ranciere's book The Ignorant Schoolmaster. This book is partially set in the premise of 19th century France and reviews Joseph Jacotot experiments in teaching French to Flemish students without knowing a word of Flemish himself. On this basis, his experimental pedagogy methods led him to the theory that each person is born with the the same intelligence. On this note, that intelligence to an individual can lead to an intelligent “personal accountability”. To apply that intelligence to every aspects of one’s life frames the context to this performance.
The 2 performer does not know each other. They have never met prior, they have not rehearsed this performance ever together. They will rely on faith, faith in themselves and the other to ensure that the performance goes on smoothly. They will want to serve their own interest to do the best that they can because of their intelligence, their commitment, their passion and the moment they are caught in. This undertaking requires faith, trust and will. It has definitely a risk factor, but they will soldier on, without predictability. It will be intense as the crowd watches, delivering their own energy in the process with their watchful eyes, propelling faith, trust and will even further.
The question of personal accountability; whilst there are many issues in the society that renders us powerless and we have not control over, similarly there are many areas that we do still retain control over. Ranciere’s book remind us of our intelligence, one that can be easily neglected in the current climate we live in, fast paced and objected to invasive technological interventions. Instead of being zombified and distracted, we need to steer our activities towards intellectual enrichment, cultural fulfilment and social participation, towards awareness and authenticity.
Yoga is a practice of clarity of the mind, connecting mind and body, a tenet in my practice with a focus on phenomenology. It also unquestionably places the exchange of teacher-student in an understanding of equality where learning can only take place in this condition. The internal questioning within the practice engages an active participation in thinking. In this quiet moment of solitude, an ephemeral emancipation clears the mind to an open path of intelligence.
From here, the performance morphs into dance as a growth, as a sign of progress, as a development from having been conscious of one’s conflicting voices and indecisions. Juncture with the reading of Ranciere’s text, the mantras release the built up tension and intensity of this process. Interspersing elocutions with mantras, intertwines the rationality of intellectualism with one of the spiritual and a call for hope for the possibility of betterment.